Leave bandage on for two hours or longer if instructed by artist.
Remove bandage and wash tattoo with hot water and soap. Use your hand to wash, not a wash cloth or loofa. In order to wash your tattoo properly you must use good pressure when washing.
Rinse soap from tattoo with cool water.
Pat dry by pressing a paper towel or clean towel on tattoo.
Repeat this process 2-3 times per day for two weeks.
After 24-48 hours start to apply a small amount of dye-free, unscented hand or body lotion to your tattoo. Make sure all is absorbed into skin. Using too much lotion too frequently is detrimental to healing and this should only be done twice a day.
When scabs occur do not pick or scratch, let them fall off naturally, this usually happens during washing.
Never pick or scratch when itchy, a light slap can alleviate the itch.
Most importantly NEVER TOUCH your healing tattoo for any reason other than when washing or applying lotion. It can be tempting to touch a healing tattoo but doing so can cause infection.
Leave bandage on for two hours or longer if instructed by artist.
Remove bandage and wash tattoo with hot water and soap. Use your hand to wash, not a wash cloth or loofa. In order to wash your tattoo properly you must use good pressure when washing.
Rinse soap from tattoo with cool water.
Pat dry by pressing a paper towel or clean towel on tattoo.
On day two, put on TegaDerm Bandage when the tattoo is completely dry and leave on for 3-4 days.
Once you remove the TegaDerm Bandage, wash your tattoo and apply non-dyed, unscented lotion until the tattoo is fully healed.